so. here i am again.
quite depressed at the moment. i love my boyfriend, but why does everybody keep bugging us? even my closest friend bailed on me. i don't know if she even likes me anymore. "i don't know what to believe anymore, i trusted you but now.." and so on. that hurts me. i told her i was sorry, but she seemed to ignore it :( she said that she had tested me. is a friend supposed to test another? to test a friend??? i think of it as extremely hurtful.
plus mom and dad keeps bugging me all the time. in 10 months i'm 18 years old. i've had a boyfriend for soon 4 months, and i can't even sleep at his place?! omg..!! i'm so pissed at that!
i'm really depressed.. take it away, please. but.. i guess it can't be helped. the only way out of it is pure suicide. sorry.. but i don't want to leave him. i love him.
alltså , jag var ungeför tvungen att kolla om det var sant allt almeida och kompani sa, om du skulle verkligen skita i mig.. och allt, klart jag vet att du är en av mina närmasta friend, men var så tvungen att se om du skulle igonera mig som kompani sa att du skulle.. and you kinde of did it:(. men jag förlåter dig och hoppas att du förlåter mig för det jag har gjort.................