Monday, December 24, 2007

Friday, December 21, 2007


..det var på tiden ^^

Och igår möblerade vi om här hemma, så nu har jag mitt gamla rum igen :P better and improved ;)

just nu så väntar jag på att niclas ska komma hit så han kan hjälpa mig med högtalarna O.o

humhumm och som cassandra sa på avslutningen: det är 166 dagar kvar tills vi tar studenten :D

jag måste fixa klänning till balen också :O Dyra.. men oh så finaa X3


bai bai~ :P

Monday, December 17, 2007


idag hade man historiaprovet och psykologiseminariet vilket är skönt att bli av med såhär inför jul :D

nu har jag bara tre uppgifter kvar och ett religionsprov imorrn sen är jag redo för ett jullov inte det minsta oro.


nu ska jag sova :D god natt

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

SÅ himla roligt xD

Shit vad jag skrattade alltså xD

Thursday, December 06, 2007


för det första:
ja, matilda kom vi leker :D Vi kan gå ut på krogen nån dag, då kanske det blir roligare att dricka? xD

för det andra: jag vill göra musik!! jag ska prata med mitt band och se om vi inte kan smälla ihop nån låt själva :o
Jag vill skriva en låt om en viss person, och jag behöver mitt band för att kunna spela den ^^ så kom igen, the curlings! :D

för det tredje: min bror är dum i huvudet, jag vill inte att han kommer hit igen

för det fjärde: så får min bror faktiskt ta och komma hit med mitt playstation innan jag kan skälla ut han

för det femte: hejdå.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Japan here I come?

Jag kanske ska få åka till japan!! på utbytesstudentsår :D anmälde mig idag och jag är lite för gammal men jag hoppas hoppas hoppas verkligen på att jag kommer få åka ändå ^_^
Jag älskar Niclas <3 jättemycket <3 att du tillslut är med mig på det här fattar jag inte, men shit pommes frites vad glad jag blev

Sunday, December 02, 2007


Igår var jag ute på krogen för första gången :O
Det var smått busigt :D
ehm.. jag kollar på south park för tillfället och är trött
Matilda skulle ringt mig igår? men det gjorde hon aldrig :(
Vi spelade singstar igår,jag sig robin och niclas ^^ emil var för feg, men det göör ingeeet :D

oh well..
god natt

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Ice princess

Hur ser man ut som en jättefin isprinsessa? det verkar vara jättefint iaf ^^
Jag skulel vilja se ut som en isprinsessa nån gång, men för det måste jag väl åka till nåt place där det finns myyyycket snö
snö <3 :D

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Beauty of Grace - Krystal Meyers

Den låten är himla bra, oh well..

i feel like crying.

Sunday, November 25, 2007


I don't want a fight
I don't want to hear that raised voice towards me
I hate it, more than anything
And yet I can't fight back
I can't talk back
Even though that's what I really wanna do...

how come I never stand up for myself?
I can't believe what I'm doing
I'm like Sakura while she's doing her mind thing "SHANAROU!!" and so on
Although she only says something barely hearable.
Why can't I scream, when that's the only thing I really really really wanna do...

Why can't they see?
I can live my life on my own, I'm not like the others
Why can't they stop being so incredibly overprotecting?

It's driving me mad, damn it!

I can still feel it.. like a freakin' rock in my throat and stomach
It's there, and it won't go away
My eyes hurt too...
I just wanna scream
just wanna run away..
I would though, if that stupid school was over... I really would.. and I wouldn't come back for a long time

If only I could run away...

Friday, November 23, 2007


Niclas är och jobbar... tjänar en massa pengar... jag blir avis...
och så skickar han såna där snyggbilder på sig i arbetskläder :O vad han ska retas den där gossen...
men iaf! Dagen blev jag och mattias klar med projektarbetet, och det är såå himla skönt att äntligen bli av med det! så nu har jag bara tre uppgifter och ett prov att göra för att jag ska kunna känna mig helt fri :D i guess O.o

Jag har valt att skriva på svenska idag märker jag, det var lättare så.. ^^'
Jag har kollat på King kong ganska nyss idag också ^_^ den är bra

Sen förrut så pratade jag med bror min (sebbe) och han sa att jag skulel få låna projektorn! :O det är ju cooolt xD
sen så, så, så, så sa han att vi skulle åka till bartenderskolan tillsammans nästa sommar istället :D det tror jag är bättre iofs, för att jag har ju inga pengar nnuuu :O :D så jag får la jobba på rejält nu när jag slutar skolan i juni ^^ men det allra första jag ska fixa innan skolåret är slut är körkortet :P road trippin'! xD

blaaah... jag har ont i ryggen O.o jag har legat på nåt konstigt sätt när jag kollade på film säkert -.-

nu ska jag nog borsta tänderna och sen soova ^_^ jag tycker om att sova, nu kan jag sova igen!! jag släckte lampan för andra gången på flera veckor igår! *duktig*

himla the grudge-tös... skrämma livet ur mig sådär på måfå.. vilken stil... get a suntan damn it! hahaha, neee nu tyckte jag att jag var lite rolig där haha
jag är trött..


Thursday, November 22, 2007

Car Wash

I like that song ALOT :D christina aguilera ^^

hmmm... I want to.. go to that bartender school! xD i really really really really wanna gooo!!! :3 after two weeks in mallorca i'll be a fully trained bartender, ready to work anywhere :D or something xD
oh well.. it costs a bit though.. 16000 kronor :o but.. i'll try and talk to mom and dad about it, and maybe they can help out ^^

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

This car needs it's own headline!

*badly wants*

Hmmmm O.o

Isn't it strange to REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY like a car? xD
Seriously, Bumblebee is TOO COOL!

ehm.. anyway..
The day before yesterday I turned 18 :D I got alot of money, so i bought a few new clothes
I think I'm gonna read Harry Potter and then go to bed, I was like some kind of zombie today in school xD *Really tired*

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

25th July 2007

In about five freakin' years the earth will be gone.

Just telling ya'll, download this.

ehm.. I was rather shocked after seeing that documentary, I can't be entirely sure that all that is true or to believe it. But I actually believe it to happen more then not to believe it will happen. Well.. I hope I can go to Japan before the end of the world. And get married and have twins. I'd like that. That would be nice.

Ehm, today I'm not sure what to do. I feel kinda out-of-it. Oh, I can play maplestory! :D My character's name is Leenore and I'm playing in thw world of Khaini! (psss.. everybody, cheer on me!) ehem.. okey now, bye bye then. toodles. ^^'

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


hmmm, i've been on a camp and i've met a new friend called Emelie, we're like best friends now :D i like that, i like her.
Niclas is moving to town now, and his sister. they're sharing an apartment and it's not so far away from where i live. that's really good :P
i just woke up, so my eyes is kinda weird xD *yawn*

well well, i don't know what i'll do now but i'll probably figure it out.. xP

Friday, June 01, 2007


humhuummm... time for summerbreak!!!!! xD that's great
i've longed for the summer sooo much ^^' but who hasn't? ^^

time: 11 AM

ehm.. i listen to great christian music. Niclas will be here in two hours. that's great ^_^

i have nothing to do in school, i've turned in my computer so i'm freeeee :D
but on monday we are going to have some kind of.. sports day? O.o
and on tuesday it's finally over, we're just going to have a class day, a day spent with the class.. xD obviosly
and later we're having our graduation, and that's that. only one year left and i've finished school foreveeeeer, until college though hahaha

hmmmm, my stomach feels funny O.o

haha, earlier before my cat woke me up. in the weirdest way haha
She had crawled in insde my quilt and crawled around in there for a really long time. it must have taken her a long time just to get in there xD
and she crawled up against my legs which were in a quite weird position hahaha and that's the way i woke up this morning, really interesting huh?

oh, i dreamt a weird dream too! i dreamt that i cleaned the intire apartment with the vacuum cleaner, and i thought that mom would give me money afterwards. and then i woke up and i still had that feeling left "oh mom is going to give me money"-feeling. but then i remembered that it was just a dream and i was like.. "oh maan.. that sucks"

well, i have absolutely no idea of what to do now.. oh, maybe i can go to that website of math or something. i don't know why, but lately i just want to study math! MATH! "omg, she's crazy" or what? O.o

well well... off we go! ..or I go.. miip, over aaand OUT!

Thursday, April 26, 2007


just a minute ago i felt like there was a freakin' chainsaw in my chest and a stone in my throat... :\
damn niclas, drove me away like that ;(((
but a little time, and then it's pretty much okey.

i wanna watch sweet home alabama, i love that movie.

i just wanna go away, just get away from everything. alone and by myself for a little while. oh my... that thought is just wonderful, and then after a few days niclas will come and join me in my little alone-time :D just to be. nothing else. just beeing.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


i'm in school.. again.. we've just finished a test for the government or something :s a bout kids health and stuff... i'm not really sure about mine.. sometimes i feel that i could just lay down and die, and then a day later i'm happy as the sun O.o

i want to be with Niclas, i miss him so much although he is two meters away from me. :D

well well... i'm listening to rascal flatts again :D i really like them :P

bye bye :)

Monday, March 26, 2007


i just felt like writing the word "bummer" :O :D

we've just watched Bridget Jones's diary in english class. now we're going to discuss it and such.
tomorrow niclas and i are going to lead an P.E lesson, and we've decided to swim and such. it's going to be fun! :D (i get to see niclas in swimming shorts :D soooo hot :o hihi) me love <33

well, i want it to be tuesday!!!! it's one week and one day left,gaaaahhh... yeah yeah, it'll come soon anyway hihi (a)

Sunday, March 25, 2007


me likes very much <33 fruits basket <33

maha, i love niclas very much ^-^ i can't wait till next tuesday!! it's going to be soooooo good!! :D

Friday, March 23, 2007

ehm, you as a visitor..

.. i would appreciate it if you left a comment of anything :D i'd like that. it's fun to read your thought about my life maha :) bless you! :D bye bye

^________^ life surely is a highway

i just found this song by rascal flatts "Life is a highway" and.. it's soooo good. listen to it, it'll certainly make you feel better!! :D

niclas was sick yesterday so i couldn't see him, but he's here today. just a few meters away from me... sooo hot youch!! X333

but ehm.. i've finished my work now in swedish class, so i can go :D is a highway!!!!...
hahahha, i'm so happy, i don't really know why.. (maybe it's because of that little secret thing i've got) mihihi

my beautiful boy.. i'm taking small peaks at him all the time now hahhaha, he's so handsome and he's mine! *happy roar xD*

Thursday, March 22, 2007

oh yeah! :D

finally! hihihiihihi, secretive though. i cannot tell you anything until a few weeks hihi ^-^

Monday, March 19, 2007

maha, my win!

finally!! xD i am allowed to sleep at Niclas now hahahha, i won over mom! :D aaaand.. i won the teasing game with niclas xD i'm so gooooood ^__________^

at the time being, i'm in school and studying Math.. the second course. ew.. i really don't like math. but i guess it's okey anyway :D

Friday, March 16, 2007

early, it is. 8.59 AM

hmmm.. i'm kinda tired.. but it's oke. i bought a new thingie for my cat ears yesterday, because my other one broke.. and today just a couple of minutes ago Niclas broke this one, not on purpose of course ^^ poor niclas ^.^ that's oke, i'll just go back a they'll give me another one :)
I've been listening to Pink a lot recently especially this one song: Fingers. I like it very much, it surely has attitude :D

ehm, i'm school btw. But i don't know what to do because it doesn't take more then one person to fix the video in the computer. hmm.. so i'm just writing here..
but now i have to go, because they need me anyway hihi

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

filming ^-^

sooo.. today we filmed the most parts of our movie to school . It was kind of funny, i'm really happy about it because i got to talk more to Almeida which i've been thinking was really mad at me for some reason :O so it seems that we're kind of friends now, and i like that very much :)
although filming was fun i didn't get to see Niclas for almost the entire day! O.O
just a couple of minutes ago i was watching Lost (the 8 episode of the 3 season) and i got really sad, because a few people had to part from their beloved ones and i just saw myself being in that position. that made me really sad, i don't know what i'd do without Niclas, if i didn't have him i wouldn't know what to do. i love him so freakin' much! gaaahh!!

i've been eating "bullar" (anyone swedish know a good word for it in english???) all evening too, omg it's sooooo good! :D with vanilla flavour... yuuuummmmmmmmyyy.... hihihih ^-^

the weather was really good today too, and that made me really happy too so i've been listening to "walking on sunshine" alomst all day too hahaha, it's a really great song. i love it very much :p

tomorrow it's the 14th of mars!! ...for all you non-japanese fans it's the "St White's Day" and i really hope that Niclas remembers it. hihihi

ehm, maybe i should explain more ^^' it starts with Valentine's Day which is on the 14th of february. and on that day all the girls gives chocolate to the person they like very much. and if the guy likes the girl back he gives the girl candy on St White's Day. I think it's really cute, so i really hope that Niclas got me something... but he probably doesn't remembers it anyway :\ we'll see tomorrow hihi :)

ooohh, i practiced with my band yesterday and we made up a really great song!! it was sooooo funny, i can't believe it hahaha. it's about cookies and blueberry pie xD "bake a small cake, blueberry pie blueberry pie!!" so funny hahaha :D

and one thing.. i really like my cat too! so i'm uploading a good pic on her hihi
cute, isn't she? :3

Monday, March 12, 2007

oh happy day

the sun is shining, actually! It feels like it was some time ago it did :P I feel really happy today, no wonder why haha :D
I'm listening to some "happy mood"-songs by Rascal Flatts. Some Texas band, they're really good.

And when i look behind myself i see Niclas <3 I wish he could come here, but he's working with the school project for this week. (i'm still in school for today) We are having a special "theme" week and we're supposed to make all kinds of material for "save the children". Me and my group are going to make a short movie and it's going to be so much fun! Tomorrow we are going to start filming.

and later today i'm gonna practise with my band The Curlings. We haven't done that for a very long time now :s so it's gonna be fun hihi
and after that i'll probably watch The O.C or play some Kingdom Hearts on PS2.

Well well, now i'm gonna go to Niclas a little bit.
Bai bai ^______^

Monday, February 12, 2007

valentine's day O.O

mihi, beramoon likes. just kidding xD

i guess, everything's solved now. i'm happy and my stomach is full. tha day couldn't be better! :D
i love my boyfriend so much, and all my friends.

soooo.. the day after tomorrow is valentine's day. i can't wait! X3 i know exactly what to wear and to give him. but.. still i'm so excited. kyaa, my heart's in a rollercoaster :D

i wanna be in a room full of roses and candles, lots of chocolate and strawberries, and him.
i luuuv ya so freakin' much Niclas baby <3

i have to clean my room, and change my sheets and i want to go shopping ( i can't believe i'm really saying that :S shopping? me? wtf is going on with me?! xD)

wellll... i want to watch naruto all day long and i want to listen to my music and read fruits basket and i want to kiss him all day long.

oh my gosh like today, i stand right next to him and i miss him so much. i just wanna pull him away from everybody and everything, so it'll be only the two of us.

tomorrow i'm gonna meat agnes and my brother, wow that's gonna be so fun! i haven't met agnes for such a long time now :O i really look forward to tomorrow, and the day after that. ooohh, and two days later it'll be a school break for a week. maaahhh, i'm in such a good mood right now i feel like i could explode! xD

bye bye XD

Monday, February 05, 2007

For Lisa, my homie for life :D

Oke. this is how it is.
I lied when i said that i didn't see you in school. and i'm sorry for lying, i really am. but that's the only lie i've told. (it's the only real lie i've told at all what i can remember) but hey, you have lied to me too. i forgive you for that, we're friends right?
But i didn't say anything to you in school because i thought that you didn't wanted to talk to me.
I AM SORRY, OKE? i really mean it, for everything. i have told you several times "i'm sorry" but you just won't seem to listen to me. why?
everybody makes mistakes, right? but that's no reason to stop being friends right? i'm sorry about that weekend, i admit it, i could have been a little more focused on you. let's do something again can't we? like go to the cinema or something, i don't know ^^
i hate this, i hate having that feeling in my chest all the time. when we're not friends i don't feel good. i want us to be friends, laugh together and all that stuff. now when you're around for a while, let's do something. or what do you think? hm? :)
we are friends. at least that's how i think about you. i'm sorry for all that. i've said it a million times, why can't you just forgive me so we can be friends?

do you think i'm a bad person or what? that i can't be trusted by anyone and i cheat and lie to get everything the way i want it?
you know me, damnit, you know i'm not like that. i haven't changed into something like that, and you know it. i'm still here, i'm still me. sure, i can be really stubborn sometimes, but that's me.
i like you very much, and you know that too. Don't you remember the time when i used to be really depressed, you were the only one i could talk to and be with freely. you were the one true friend i could count on. don't you remember? you meant everything to me.
you still do. i feel like i could tetll you anything, i don't have to act around you and you are one of the closest friends i've got in life. see?
you can't possibly mean nothing to me, see? you know this. you know all this. :)

and you know where to find me, so if there is anything, anything at all, give me a call? or come visit me. anything. you can call me three o'clock in the morning if you want. anything for my friend. right? :p

so i ask again.. can you forgive me?

(förlåt, men jag gillar inte att skriva på svenska. det låter så.. underligt haha ^^' skriv tillbaka nånting iaf efter att du har läst det här, det skulle uppskattas hehe :P )

Monday, January 29, 2007

a while later..

so. here i am again.
quite depressed at the moment. i love my boyfriend, but why does everybody keep bugging us? even my closest friend bailed on me. i don't know if she even likes me anymore. "i don't know what to believe anymore, i trusted you but now.." and so on. that hurts me. i told her i was sorry, but she seemed to ignore it :( she said that she had tested me. is a friend supposed to test another? to test a friend??? i think of it as extremely hurtful.

plus mom and dad keeps bugging me all the time. in 10 months i'm 18 years old. i've had a boyfriend for soon 4 months, and i can't even sleep at his place?! omg..!! i'm so pissed at that!

i'm really depressed.. take it away, please. but.. i guess it can't be helped. the only way out of it is pure suicide. sorry.. but i don't want to leave him. i love him.